Industry Collaboration
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The one-stop luxury car workshop established in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia since 2010. Prestige Carcare is proud to work exclusively with some of the world’s best luxury and branded cars such as Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Audi, Aston Martin, BMW, Bentley, Jaguar, Maserati, Mercedes-Benz, Range Rover… and all prestigious brands.

自 2010 年在马来西亚吉隆坡成立的一站式豪华车车间。Prestige Carcare 很荣幸与一些世界上最好的豪华和品牌汽车独家合作,如劳斯莱斯、兰博基尼、法拉利、奥迪、阿斯顿马丁、宝马、 宾利、捷豹、玛莎拉蒂、梅赛德斯-奔驰、路虎揽胜……以及所有知名品牌。

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ComfortDelGro Engineering Pte Ltd (CDGE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited, is the largest vehicle maintenance and repair workshop in Singapore.

Handling ComfortDelGro's taxi fleet in Singapore, over 10,000 private passenger cars and 5,000 commercial vehicles annually at our five workshops located across Singapore. They offer a full range of technical services, including fleet maintenance, general repairs, engine diagnostic and tune-up services, system overhaul, crash repairs as well as automotive consultancy services. Specialised vehicle design, assembly and component re-manufacturing are also available upon request.

ComfortDelGro Engineering Pte Ltd (CDGE) 是 ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited 的全资子公司,是新加坡最大的汽车保养和维修车间。

在新加坡的五个车间处理康福德高在新加坡的出租车车队,超过 10,000 辆私家车和 5,000 辆商用车。 他们提供全方位的技术服务,包括车队维护、一般维修、发动机诊断和调试服务、系统大修、碰撞维修以及汽车咨询服务。 也可根据要求提供专门的车辆设计、组装和部件再制造。


The small venture that started off as an earth-moving sub-contractor in a modest rented shop house back in 1988 has now blossomed into one of Singapore’s most robust civil engineering & infrastructure companies. The name KTC is synonymous with reliability and top quality services in the areas of Civil and Infrastructure Works, Earthworks and Coal Mining.

这家小型企业于 1988 年在一间简陋的出租店屋中作为土方分包商开始,现已发展成为新加坡最强大的土木工程和基础设施公司之一。 KTC 这个名字是土木和基础设施工程、土方工程和煤炭开采领域的可靠性和优质服务的代名词。

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Launch was founded in 1992 and today is a global player in automotive aftermarket providing a full range of equipment and service solutions for workshop. Launch also leader in Auto Diagnositic Scanner in the market.

Launch 成立于 1992 年,如今已成为汽车售后市场的全球参与者,为车间提供全方位的设备和服务解决方案。 推出市场上自动诊断扫描仪的领导者

Cooperative Partner

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The one-stop luxury car workshop established in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia since 2010. Prestige Carcare is proud to work exclusively with some of the world’s best luxury and branded cars such as Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Audi, Aston Martin, BMW, Bentley, Jaguar, Maserati, Mercedes-Benz, Range Rover… and all prestigious brands.

自 2010 年在马来西亚吉隆坡成立的一站式豪华车车间。Prestige Carcare 很荣幸与一些世界上最好的豪华和品牌汽车独家合作,如劳斯莱斯、兰博基尼、法拉利、奥迪、阿斯顿马丁、宝马、 宾利、捷豹、玛莎拉蒂、梅赛德斯-奔驰、路虎揽胜……以及所有知名品牌。


ComfortDelGro Engineering Pte Ltd (CDGE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited, is the largest vehicle maintenance and repair workshop in Singapore.

Handling ComfortDelGro's taxi fleet in Singapore, over 10,000 private passenger cars and 5,000 commercial vehicles annually at our five workshops located across Singapore. They offer a full range of technical services, including fleet maintenance, general repairs, engine diagnostic and tune-up services, system overhaul, crash repairs as well as automotive consultancy services. Specialised vehicle design, assembly and component re-manufacturing are also available upon request.

ComfortDelGro Engineering Pte Ltd (CDGE) 是 ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited 的全资子公司,是新加坡最大的汽车保养和维修车间。

在新加坡的五个车间处理康福德高在新加坡的出租车车队,超过 10,000 辆私家车和 5,000 辆商用车。 他们提供全方位的技术服务,包括车队维护、一般维修、发动机诊断和调试服务、系统大修、碰撞维修以及汽车咨询服务。 也可根据要求提供专门的车辆设计、组装和部件再制造。



The small venture that started off as an earth-moving sub-contractor in a modest rented shop house back in 1988 has now blossomed into one of Singapore’s most robust civil engineering & infrastructure companies. The name KTC is synonymous with reliability and top quality services in the areas of Civil and Infrastructure Works, Earthworks and Coal Mining.

这家小型企业于 1988 年在一间简陋的出租店屋中作为土方分包商开始,现已发展成为新加坡最强大的土木工程和基础设施公司之一。 KTC 这个名字是土木和基础设施工程、土方工程和煤炭开采领域的可靠性和优质服务的代名词。

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Launch was founded in 1992 and today is a global player in automotive aftermarket providing a full range of equipment and service solutions for workshop. Launch also leader in Auto Diagnositic Scanner in the market.

Launch 成立于 1992 年,如今已成为汽车售后市场的全球参与者,为车间提供全方位的设备和服务解决方案。 推出市场上自动诊断扫描仪的领导者

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